tell me how jealous I am!!

You are 41.27% jealous!
For this test, the average jealousy percentage is 35.54%.
553863 people have taken this test to date.
This percentage means that :
•You are not a jealous person, but sometimes can be.
•Occasionally, you over-react to situations.
•Most of the time, you trust the people around.
•Jealously will not be a major issue in relationships, but you might want to improve your self-esteem.
aneh...padahal menurut gw, gw ini sangat-sangat pencemburu ehuehueheu....ternyata hasil testnya tidak seperti yang gw bayangkan, orang dulu aja sempet terucap..
"yakin mo pacaran ma gw?...."
" gw galak lowh, cemburuan pisan lagi, cengeng pula......"
"ngga papa..."
" ya sudaah...."
tau deh sekarang jadi rada rada keblinger ataw ngga tuh ngadepin gw...heuehueh...
jadi yang mo ikutang ngetest..boleh lohh..monggo
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